27 August 2014

CH110 Help

Similar to my PH-110 post, these are the lab reports for CH110. I just compiled the images into pdfs but the majority credit goes to our seniors(Anand Kumar Bhaiya in this case) who are helpful enough to scan their lab reports and share them with us. These reports come with the same warning as the...

23 August 2014

PH 110 / PH 102 Documents

Edit - PH102 Notes- Click here Some people might find the Physics lab easy and for others it might be toiling work. I was lucky enough to encounter scanned pdfs of lab reports written by our seniors (Harshil Bhaiya and Vivek Bhaiya). I found them extremely helpful and I'm thankful to both Harshil...

13 August 2014

11 August 2014